GRE作文范文 Issue-32
“Practicality is now our great idol, which all powers and talents must serve. Anything that is not obviously practical has little value in today’s world.”
嘉文博译Sample Essay
The value of something that is or is not practical in today’s world depends on whose vision you are using to look at the situation. In the richer countries of the world, frivolous and apparently useless products, ideas and services abound. But even within these wealthy countries, there are still those that are barely surviving as opposed to those who are unabashedly rich. On the contrary, for the poorer, still developing countries that comprise most of mankind, practicality is usually a necessity for survival. It is an interesting contrast between different perspectives that shows a true dichotomy between the different types of societies and the people that live within those societies.
To begin with, one should look at the idea of “practicality” from the standpoint of a person living in a rich country, such as the United States. There are poor people living in poverty in virtually every state of the union. From the barrios of California to the mountain villages of West Virginia, there are numerous people who have no need for anything that is not “practical” for them. Food and shelter are their priorities with no time to even think about owning something as frivolous as a mobile phone or satellite television. For these people, practicality is a necessity and they must use what little power or talent they have available to them to merely survive.
On the other hand, in these same United States, there are people of almost unimaginable wealth whose idea of what is “practical” is vastly different. As just one example, the billionaire Donald Trump probably believes that he could not properly go about his business without his fleet of jets, yachts and automobiles, not to mention the vast range of luxury hotels and condominiums that he owns. In his situation, what is practical is whatever makes his life more comfortable. Undoubtedly Mr. Trump owns either property or possessions that he has probably never even seen. For these ultra-rich people, the word “practicality” may not even exist, as they have more money to spend on what other people would consider to be useless items, such as a $100,000 Rolex watch. These types of assets may not be practical but they certainly have value. For the very rich, practicality gives way to wants and desires.
In contrast with the two distinct groups discussed above, people from developing nations may never have even heard of satellite television or $100,000 timepieces. For them, practicality is a way of life. If something is not useful, then it must be discarded. Their focus is on subsistence, much in the same way as those poorer people in the richer countries. In an impoverished country however, these people would likely trade the expensive Rolex watch for a goat or cow – much more practical in their situation. Whereas the people of a richer country would see an intrinsic value built into the brand name and quality of the watch, people in an extremely poor country would see only a useless piece of metal and crystal. They perhaps tell time by the sun and need no watch regardless of its so-called “value”. In these parts of the world, clearly practicality is the necessary focus that requires the devotion of all time, talent and effort to things that are useful.
In summary, how much talent and power one devotes to something will depend on the value that the individual places on the particular idea, product or service. The value of something that is not practical, and indeed what is in itself “practical” will depend solely on the individual’s point of view
另一方面,同样是在美国,有些人拥有多得难以想像的财富,而他们对“实用”的观念与前者有着天壤之别。举一例以说明,亿万富翁Donald Trump或许认为,如果没有他的飞机、快艇和汽车队伍,他就不能正常地干他的事情,且不说他所拥有的数目可观的豪华饭店和设施场所。对他来说,实用意味着那些使他生活得更舒适的东西。毫无疑问,Trump先生拥有着他甚至可能从未见过的财产或财富。对于这些极富的人,“实用”一词或许根本就不存在。因为他们拥有更多的钱能花在那些被其他人认为没有用的东西上,例如价值十万美元的劳力士手表。这类财产可能不实用,但它们的确具有价值。对于非常富有之人,实用性已让位于需求与欲望。
GRE作文范文 Argument-32
“The Department of Education in the state of Attra recommends that high school students be assigned homework every day. Yet a recent statewide survey of high school math and science teachers calls the usefulness of daily homework into question. In the district of Sanlee, 86 percent of the teachers reported assigning homework three to five times a week, whereas in the district of Marlee, less than 25 percent of the teachers reported assigning homework three to five times a week. Yet the students in Marlee earn better grades overall and are less likely to be required to repeat a year of school than are the students in Sanlee. Therefore, all teachers in our high schools should assign homework no more than twice a week, if at all.”
嘉文博译Sample Essay
In this argument, the arguer concludes that all teachers in his or her town’s high schools should assign homework no more than twice a week, if at all. The arguer bases the argument on a statewide survey showing that in the district of Sanlee, eighty-six percent of the teachers reported assigning homework three to five times a week while less than twenty-five percent of the teachers reported assigning homework three to five times a week. The arguer claims that despite this, students in Marlee earn better grades overall and are less likely to be required to repeat a year of school than are students in Sanlee. This argument is unconvincing because the arguer ignores several possible reasons other than the number of days that homework is assigned for these discrepancies.
First of all, the survey only contacted high school math and science teachers, not high school teachers in general. It is possible that there is a difference in homework assignments given by the two different districts because of a difference in subject emphasis. For example, perhaps Sanlee focuses more on science and math than Marlee and therefore requires more homework assignments of its students. A survey that covers only two subject areas in only two school districts is hardly convincing that all teachers should assign less homework.
Secondly, it is possible that homework assignments in Marlee are more extensive than those given in Sanlee, perhaps taking two or three days to complete. If the homework assignments take longer to complete, the teachers in Marlee would naturally assign homework less often, although the overall amount of homework completed would be the same as in Sanlee. Ignoring the length and difficulty of the homework that is assigned in the two different districts further weakens the argument. Simply assigning homework on more days does not necessarily mean that the total amount of homework is any different between the two school districts.
Furthermore, it is possible that the students themselves have differing levels of academic ability in Sanlee as opposed to Marlee. School districts can have a vastly different composition of students that directly affect overall grade results and whether students are more likely to be required to repeat a year of school. Students in the Marlee district may simply be brighter students than those in Sanlee, thus explaining the differences in overall grades and failure rates – it could have nothing to do with how much homework is assignment. Failing to address this possibility further weakens the argument.
Finally, it is also possible that the grading system itself is easier for the students in Marlee as opposed to the system in Sanlee. The students may be of equal academic skills, but Marlee’s grading system by design may give higher marks to students than Sanlee’s system. Furthermore, Marlee may have a policy that students never have to repeat a school year, regardless of their marks, while Sanlee may be stricter in this regard. Again, the number of days that homework is assigned has nothing to do with the student’s success; it is simply a function of the differing grading systems.
In summary, this argument is based on a very narrow study of only two subjects, in two school districts, with ambiguous results. To strengthen the argument, the arguer needs to directly compare all aspects of the two different districts with his or her own school district before jumping to the conclusion that all teachers in the district should assign homework no more than twice a week, if at all.
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